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Weekly Digest

The 2023 Global Synthetic Biology Conference

Join Us In Oakland, California May 23 - 25
Jan 14
Feb 14
Mar 14
Apr 14

General Admission

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Expires midnight on Monday, May 26th.

Full Price
Register Now
Rate Includes:
  • 3 Keynote Speakers
  • 12 Fireside Chats
  • 20+ Networking Events
  • 80+ Breakout Sessions
  • 10+ Workshops & Round Table Discussions
Add-on Option
Introduction to Synthetic Biology
May 22nd from 8am - 1:30pm

Regular Price
Taking place the day before the conference, this half-day interactive seminar covers the fundamental principles of synthetic biology, its applications, and the investment landscape. You will receive an industry overview as well as guidance on how to develop a bio strategy for your organization.

Introduction to DeSci
May 22nd from 2pm - 5pm

Regular Price

This 3-hour intensive session is designed for both newcomers and seasoned professionals in the Decentralised Science (DeSci) ecosystem. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of DeSci's core pillars, including funding, tooling, organization, data, publishing, and incentives. The session will also feature an inspiration session on the possibilities of how science can be defined and research conducted using DeSci, as well as a discussion on ethics in DeSci and how to maintain healthy morality while promoting progress and collaboration.

Bundle with Intro to Synthetic Biology:

Regular Bundle Price
Student & Press Passes Available
Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold
John Cumbers